Watch GOP Activist Scott Presler Get Caught In Lie After Lie

Scott Presler falsely claimed that a TPUSA canvasser was a Democrat, and then it went downhill for him from there.

Right wing activist Scott Presler, aka The Pestilence, er, I mean, the Persistence, had a very bad day that just kept getting worse.

First, Presler posted the above video of a woman canvassing for the Wisconsin Supreme Court race. Pressler claimed that the woman was working for the Democrats and criticized her for coming up to the house while smoking a cigarette and then asking for a deceased voter:


The only problem was that it wasn't a Democrat canvasser. The woman was working for TPUSA. Presler got caught in the lie when it was shown that the woman was waving around Brad Schimel flyers:


What a shocker! A Republican caught lying! Whodathunkit?!

But wait. There's more.

Caught in the lie, Presler decided to lie some more!

But wait. There's more. There's always more.

The funniest thing isn't that Presler falsely claimed that one of his own canvassers was a Democrat. Nor was it that he got caught in the lie. And it wasn't that he lied again. Nope. The funniest part is that the flipping idiots was paying this woman pretty well to do their canvassing for them because Schimel can't get anyone to do it for him! Take a look at their promised rates:

All this goes to prove the old adage of "good help is hard to find." I don't know why anyone would keep Presler around unless it's that he works for damn cheap.

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