Zастрелись ('Shoot Yourself') Art Installation Goes Up In Kiev
Sculptor-designer Dmitry Iv installed the provocative piece in the center of Kiev yesterday.
An unusual and provocative sculpture went up in the heart of Kiev yesterday, one designed to raise eyebrows and is undoubtedly meant to capture Russian President Putin's attention and ire. The piece, called Zастрелись ("Shoot Yourself") could not be blunter. "Putler" as the Ukrainians derisively call Putin, (a combination of Putin and Hitler) is given two choices for an outcome: at the Hague, tried as a war criminal or shoot yourself.
Source: NikLife
An unusual installation appeared in the center of Kiev on Taras Shevchenko Boulevard. It is a huge pistol in the hands of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Its muzzle is directed directly into the tyrant's mouth, and the engraving "Shoot yourself" is applied on the side. This is a kind of hint for the leader of the occupying country regarding further actions.
The author of the installation is the award-winning sculptor-designer Dmitry Iv. In 2021, he entered the TOP-20 according to the Agora Gallery in New York.
The author posted pictures of the temporary installation on his Facebook page, and also reminded of how tyrants usually end their lives.
“So, Putler, you, as a war criminal, have two ways: the first is to go to court, and the second is (to shoot yourself, - NL) ... Well, you got the hint, ” Dmitry Iv noted .
It is noteworthy that the installation caused a mixed reaction among the people of Kiev. Most against Putin liked this message very much, but some believe that art should not show scenes of violence.“Modern art is not always beautiful. Its MAIN goal is relevance, disclosure of problems and TRUTH. And children do not need to be protected from everything and need to be prepared for everything and educated. They ride down the hill, but you can break your head there - they treat their teeth, it hurts, but they need to watch the news. THIS IS LIFE and your task, as a parent, is to tell them what is good and what is bad, ”Dmitry Iv explained his position.