BREAKING: Angry Toll Booth Collectors Endorse Dan Webster

What am I talking about? I'm talking about Alan Grayson's new ad, which I've got in a raw, fresh cut: Great frickin' ad. I see a lot of "Dan Webster wants to eat your children! Booga booga!" kinds of ads that even I, political junkie, just

What am I talking about? I'm talking about Alan Grayson's new ad, which I've got in a raw, fresh cut:

wrote last week, I'm headed down to Grayson's district after the election with my family for some vacation. I guess I'll have Dan Webster to thank for all the extra I'd be spending out of pocket as we drive.

Late last week, Politico reported that foreign corporations in American clothing the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and 60-Plus Association expect to spend at least $1.7 million by the end of this week alone attacking Grayson and neighboring representative Suzanne Kosmas. The piece continues:

“I know there are a lot of attractive seats out there, but these are two particularly attractive seats,” said Jason Roe, a GOP strategist who is working for Florida Republicans Dan Webster and Sandy Adams, who are trying to unseat Grayson and Kosmas. “It’s an attractive situation for the NRCC and outside groups because it’s one media market.”


While the Republican challengers have been absent from the air, the outside groups have picked up the slack. Kosmas and Grayson are individually targeted by $250,000 in ads from the Chamber, with Grayson already under fire by a Chamber spot that calls Grayson a “big mouth” and “extreme.”

And the Chamber and the 60 Plus Association have reserved a combined $1 million-plus in ads that slam Kosmas and Grayson together.

Even before the latest ad blitz, Grayson and Kosmas were softened with $230,000 in ads from the National Republican Congressional Committee.

Last week I reported that we were just $1,861 short of $50,000 on our Blue America page dedicated to getting Grayson's back. As of this writing, we just topped it! Your money is going to awesome ads like this, so if you haven't donated (or have an extra few shekels), toss 'em in.

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