FACT: Alan Grayson's New Ad Destroys Dan Webster

Alan Grayson's new ad, "The Facts", lays Dan Webster's ugly record on women's out for all to see: This year's crop of Senate candidates is filled with knuckle-draggers, but among House candidates, Dan Webster simply takes the cake. And it's

Alan Grayson's new ad, "The Facts", lays Dan Webster's ugly record on women's out for all to see:

[oldembed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/o2KEcni6ggs?fs=1" width="400" height="300" resize="1" fid="21"]

This year's crop of Senate candidates is filled with knuckle-draggers, but among House candidates, Dan Webster simply takes the cake. And it's sticking, too- you can Google "Dan Webster misogyny" and it's everywhere.

Blue America, as of this post, is just $1,861 short of our $50,000 goal on our page for Alan Grayson. I just chipped in simply because my 3-year-old niece and the rest of my family are taking a vacation to Disney World in Grayson's district after the election, and Republicans represented that area in Congress for over 25 years before Grayson got there, and I refuse to see my niece grow up under the kinds of laws Congressman Dan Webster would try to enact.

If you're with me, help keep him out.

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