Rick Perry - Weak, Man.

So, you've seen that Rick Perry "Strong" ad? Well, I'm not going to link to that ghastly thing. But I'll happily embed my snarky response: It's hard to tell just what he was on about in much of that "Strong" ad. Honestly, if kids

So, you've seen that Rick Perry "Strong" ad? Well, I'm not going to link to that ghastly thing. But I'll happily embed my snarky response:

It's hard to tell just what he was on about in much of that "Strong" ad.

Honestly, if kids "observed' Christmas any harder in schools than they already do, they would be elves. And everybody knows we liberals don't hate religion, we're just soooooo busy drum circling, same sex marrying, and not owning guns that we can't be bothered.

So what was he talking about? He was talking about trying to break double digits in Iowa. And since he's sitting on a big pile of money from people who once thought he was going to be president, it'll be fun to see him thrash about as his campaign gasps for air.

But Rick Perry and all other heathen-haters take note: atheists and agnostics are 20 percent of the U.S. population and growing--more than African-Americans or Latinos. Add in gays, lesbians, bi and transgender folks, and you not only have a substantial voting block, you have a f-ing awesome party. Lezzdoit.

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