Was It The Koch Brothers? Or...

Look, addiction is a serious medical condition. It affects the lives of millions, causing untold suffering to both addicts and the people who love them. Also: corruption and money in government is a serious issue. It affects the lives of

Look, addiction is a serious medical condition. It affects the lives of millions, causing untold suffering to both addicts and the people who love them.

Also: corruption and money in government is a serious issue. It affects the lives of millions, and in California we're facing a new assault from those who would use their money to buy our government.

But, which is which?

The proposition system in California is a ridiculous, bought-and-sold, labyrinthine bureaucracy that does far more to obscure real issues than to clarify. This video does nothing to solve that--if you want to know more about the scandalously dumb Prop 32, there are actual resources available rather than a comic with a mic.

The problem, of course, is that most folks lead real lives with real obligations--few folks have the time to parse all the language of each of these deliberately confusing documents. Bits like these hopefully serve to introduce people to the broad outlines of a debate, leaving the obligation for discerning particulars to audience members themselves.

So, just feeling out the C&L audience--is this an effective form of activism? There are more substantive ads out there, are we progressives better off sticking to nitty-gritty policy details and staying away from snarky bits?

I dunno, I hear "sticking to nitty-gritty policy details" and I think "John Kerry 2004," but I'd love to hear your thoughts about this video I did for the fine folks at Courage Campaign. If you like the video, please feel free to share it. Either way, let me know your thoughts in the comments.

And if you live in California, please add "no on 32" to the sudoku puzzle of democracy you'll need to fill in this November.

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