Well lookit you, progressives. Ain't you just absolutely the shit? What a week, what a time to be on the planet. I won't inundate you with all the many, many ways to experience inspiration and schadenfreude there are right now...there are just

Well lookit you, progressives. Ain't you just absolutely the shit?

What a week, what a time to be on the planet. I won't inundate you with all the many, many ways to experience inspiration and schadenfreude there are right now...there are just too many to count.

But buried in President Obama's victory speech was an important detail and a challenge:

I want to thank every American who participated in this election, whether you voted for the very first time or waited in line for a very long time. By the way, we have to fix that.

Um, yup. Let us be clear: the most vile elements of the GOP didn't steal this election, but it wasn't for lack of trying. We went to Ohio to see for ourselves what was going on in that crucible of democracy--and what we found was disturbing, galling, and surprisingly inspiring.

And there was dancing! Jon Husted ain't messing with my Dougie.

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