C&L's Late Night Music Club With Johnny Mercer
#1 on the charts on V-J Day, this Mercer tune seems to have captured the spirit of unbridled optimism abound across the country as World War II drew to its end. Mercer, one of the great American lyricists (Harry Warren wrote the music here), also
#1 on the charts on V-J Day, this Mercer tune seems to have captured the spirit of unbridled optimism abound across the country as World War II drew to its end. Mercer, one of the great American lyricists (Harry Warren wrote the music here), also seems to have foreseen the massive post-war migration from the row houses and tenements of the crowded and often chilly Northeast of row houses and tenements to the sunny climes, green lawns and Pacific horizons of Southern California- but more to the point, he really swung it with this song!