Mike's Blog Round Up

TBogg: Decision-making and why it fails. The Non Sequitur: That's icky, your argument is invalid. The Progressive Puppy: West Virginia gay man a

TBogg: Decision-making and why it fails.

The Non Sequitur: That's icky, your argument is invalid.

The Progressive Puppy: West Virginia gay man assaulted by police.

skippy: RIP Robert Byrd.

Annals of Journalism: The 119 words you can't use on the radio... Embrace the wonk... Political analysis and BS... Thanks for protecting us from relevant information... Clowns to the left of me, jokers on the right... Conservative exclusion is a right-wing delusion... The Atlantic has found its perfect idiot... Debunking a "Christian nationalist pseudo-historian”... BP "reporters" give flowery account of disaster... Unknown parties kill jobless aid in Senate... A message to Jeffrey Goldberg's anonymous sources... Mencken would get the boot, too.

Last guest post by Batocchio. Thanks! Next up is Blue Gal. Temporarily e-mail tips to bluegalsblog AT gmail.

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