Mike's Blog Round Up

Facing South: "What we are in justice entitled to" - a 1865 letter from a freedman. Obsidian Wings: Coming to you live from an alternate reality. Br

Facing South: "What we are in justice entitled to" - a 1865 letter from a freedman.

Obsidian Wings: Coming to you live from an alternate reality.

Brilliant at Breakfast: Goldman Sachs' biggest bonuses ever – because Wall Street firms always deserves a giant bonus!

Just a Girl from Homer: Opposition to LGBT civil rights in Alaska. (Yeah, and about that "98.5%" thing...)

Lance Mannion: Pat Buchanan, Sonia Sotomayor and Beatrix Potter. (Check out the follow-up posts, too.)

Newsifact: John McCain's Middle East Song Tour.

Guest post by Batocchio. Temporarily e-mail tips to batocchio9 AT yahoo DOT com.

[A note to C&L fans in Portland, OR: C&L's David Neiwert will be at Powell's on Hawthorne tonight for a talk and signing for his book, The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right, at 7:30 p.m. The Oregonian review is here.]

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