Mike's Blog Round Up

alicublog - godly Rod Dreher fears Pussy Riot, real schools, facts 'n stuff; Balloon Juice - Ryan personhood amendment means you're a person from the jump, unless you're female; d r i f t g l a s s - David Brooks, Niall Ferguson, fish, barrel,

alicublog - godly Rod Dreher fears Pussy Riot, real schools, facts 'n stuff;

Balloon Juice - Ryan personhood amendment means you're a person from the jump, unless you're female;

d r i f t g l a s s - David Brooks, Niall Ferguson, fish, barrel, do the math;

The American Prospect - remember Mittens' (lack of ) tax returns? Still a big problem;

The Booman Tribune - when will the GOP raise taxes? When Obama is re-elected, for their new civil war!

blogenfreude blogs at stinque.com and admits that unemployment causes you to rip through your Netflix queue quite a lot faster.

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