Another Example Of Why The Obama Campaign Should Totally Ignore Joe Scarborough's Advice

In case you missed "Morning Joe" on Monday, Scarborough was in full-on concern troll mode, saying that Obama should stop saying mean things about Willard. (h/t heather) SCARBOROUGH: So we've been saying that these Bain attacks just weren't

non-stop lies about the President -- some of them rather vicious -- and I don't remember Scarborough wagging his finger at him. Second of all, it was Willard -- not Obama -- who made his experience at Bain the centerpiece of his campaign. So Bain's off limits?

What's more, did Scarborough wring his hands about Karl Rove's attacks on John Kerry's service in Vietnam, his wealth -- or his career in the Senate? Of course not.

But leaving those arguments aside, let's check Scarborough's claim that the Bain ads and tax return ads "aren't working."

Sustained attacks by President Barack Obama's campaign on Republican rival Mitt Romney's business history and refusal to release more tax records appear to be working, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Tuesday.

More than a third of voters who are registered to a party or as an independent said in the online survey that what they had heard about Romney's taxes and his time at Bain Capital private equity firm had given them a less favorable impression of the Republican candidate.

And particularly worrying for Romney is that a large slice of independent voters -- whom he needs to win the November 6 election -- are also buying into the Obama campaign's portrayal of him as a ruthless businessman who may be hiding something in his taxes.

An easy way for Axelrod and Plouffe to win the election is just do the opposite of whatever Scarborough says.

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