Charles Krauthammer: Voter ID Laws Are 'Utterly Logical'
Charles Krauthammer insists there's nothing at all wrong with voter ID laws.
Earlier in the week, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the government is challenging the new Texas voter identification legislation -- passed in the wake of the Supreme Court's gutting of the 1965 Voting Rights Act -- in court.
On Fox News, Charles Krauthammer predictably argued that there was nothing wrong at all with voter ID laws.
Well, just because something is a right doesn't mean that it can't in some way be restricted. In fact, the right to vote is restricted. You have to be of a certain age, you have to be of a certain residence. In some states, if you're a felon you can't...It seems utterly logical that you would have to ask for a simple demonstration that you are of age, that you live where you live, you aren’t a felon, and in fact that you haven’t voted an hour and a half before.
Funny how right-wingers are always talking about how voting rights can be restricted, but not 2nd Amendment rights.
Anyway, Krauthammer is exactly correct on one point.
If your entire political strategy consists of winning the white vote, and the white vote is decreasing every year, it is much easier to legally suppress the minority vote than to broaden your party's appeal.
One might say it's "utterly logical."