Evangelical Leaders Describe Their Own Followers As Ignorant, Intolerant

Over the weekend, there was an interesting piece in the New York Times about Glenn Beck serving as Mitt Romney's unofficial liaison to the evangelical community. And what was interesting was that evangelicals were described in very unflattering

Over the weekend, there was an interesting piece in the New York Times about Glenn Beck serving as Mitt Romney's unofficial liaison to the evangelical community. And what was interesting was that evangelicals were described in very unflattering terms -- by their own leaders.

“Romney has staked out issues that are aligned with evangelicals,” said Bryan Fischer, director of issue analysis for the conservative nonprofit American Family Association. But, he added, Mr. Romney’s faith may ultimately present a problem in the voting booth. “It’s still an issue for some evangelicals and may influence their voting decision on Nov. 6,” he said. “There are a number of evangelicals who will not vote for someone who doesn’t adhere to orthodox Christianity.”

First of all, not voting for a candidate because they don't share your religious views is simply un-American (yes, that's Michael Medved--stopped clock). Ever hear of the "No Religious Test" clause, Mr. Fischer?

Also, I'm not familiar with "orthodox Christianity." Does it include Catholics? Methodists? Unitarians? What is that exactly, pray tell?

Mr. Fischer said of the complicated relationship between evangelical Christians and Mormons that “evangelicals appreciate what Glenn Beck has done in refocusing attention on the values of our founding fathers,” but “that doesn’t mean evangelicals regard him as a Christian.”

Sectarianism really brings us all together as a country, doesn't it? Just like the Sunnis and Shiites.

Until last month, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s Web site listed Mormonism as a “cult” along with Scientology and Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Hey, Mitt's in good company. A couple decades ago, the same crowd was saying the same thing about "Papists."

“There’s a difference between a public figure like Glenn Beck and someone who could be the president of the United States,” said John C. Green, the author of “The Faith Factor: How Religion Influences American Elections.” “Many evangelicals believe this country was founded by Christian leaders. It’s important that the person in the White House be positive about Christianity, if not a devout Christian himself.

Note the use of the word, "believe" in that sentence. Says it all.

What's ironic is that these people obviously couldn't vote for Thomas Jefferson, a Deist who re-wrote the New Testament by removing all the miracles.

Not terribly "orthodox" of him, was it?

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