Fox News' Greg Gutfeld: Obama "Scandals" Fizzled Because Of Zimmerman Trial
Much to the right's dismay, <strong>SCANDALMANIA '13</strong> was a big bust. Republicans and their allies in the right-wing media and blogosphere tried their best, but just couldn't get any of the "scandals" -- from <em>Benghazi!</em> to the IRS -- to stick.
Much to the right's dismay, SCANDALMANIA '13 was a big bust. Republicans and their allies in the right-wing media and blogosphere tried their best, but just couldn't get any of the "scandals" -- from Benghazi! to the IRS -- to stick.
Why? The obvious answer: there was never anything there.
But if you're a True Believer, all of these so-called scandals were real, horrible, unconstitutional, impeachment-worthy assaults on our liberty and precious bodily fluids. So, there must be some other reason Americans looked at Bengahzi! et al and yawned.
Greg Gutfeld of Fox News' brilliant theory: the media's "trumped-up racial division" of the Zimmerman trial distracted everyone.
These people really do live in an alternate universe.