tweeting nonsense, Jedediah Bila is one of Fox News' favorite go-to "real feminists are Republicans" spokespersons. And while on "Fox & Friends" discussing why women are
lazy, dependent dupes going to yet again vote for Democrats in November for the 142nd straight election, she did what she's paid to do.
BILA: Well I think historically, if you look back through all the elections throughout time, women have gone Democrat, they do lean Democrat. I think that's because in a large part the feminist movement has been telling women for a long time that Democrats are their alley [sic], ally, and somehow these big government policies have become their friend. They have sort of exchanged the values of self-sufficiency and autonomy in favor of government dependence. Instead of relying on men, now they're relying on government to be their big daddy or whatever you want to call it.
Yes, those devious feminists have tricked women into believing that the GOP is trying to destroy an organization committed to their health, wants them to submit to mandatory vaginal probing, seeks to criminalize abortion, even when the mother's life is threatened, thinks health insurance companies should be able to deny coverage of basic medications -- not to mention, is perfectly content to let women work for less pay.
So are women gullible or just stupid? Jedediah reports, you decide.