Joe Scarborough: Ideologically, I'm Closest To Glenn Beck

Yesterday, apparently without a hint of irony, Joe Scarborough said on the air that right-wing media "bullies" were hurting the GOP, and added that Republicans should "punch them in the face" (after 15:00). Hugh Hewitt, one of wingnut radio's

Yesterday, apparently without a hint of irony, Joe Scarborough said on the air that right-wing media "bullies" were hurting the GOP, and added that Republicans should "punch them in the face" (after 15:00). Hugh Hewitt, one of wingnut radio's hackier propagandists, had Scarborough on his show to explain himself, and this exchange ensued.

HH: Joe, who do you listen to on talk radio, because I don’t even know if you listen anymore, because you’ve got, it must be a six hour production schedule.

JS: Yeah, I mean, I go around the clock. I think like everybody else, I listen to Rush whenever I get a chance. I listen to you when I get a chance. I love Bennett. He’s in the morning, but sometimes I get snippets of Bennett. I’m a big Michael Medved fan, and have been for ages. But I will tell you, ironically enough, ideologically, even though he drives me crazy and I criticize him all the time because of the crazy, nutty things he says, I think ideologically, and please don’t tell anybody, I may be closest to Glenn Beck. I’m sort of, I’ve got a libertarian bent. I’m a 10th Amendment guy, and…

Uh, Joe? It's never a good sign when you see ideological kinship with a crazy person.

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