Louie Gohmert: We Need Photo IDs To Prove There's Rampant Voter Fraud In Texas

Louie Gohmert (R-TX) is one of the most reliably crazy members of the Republican Caucus in the House and also one of the most reliably stupid. So it makes perfect sense why Faux News would want him to comment on Texas' effort to disenfranchise brown

reliably crazy members of the Republican Caucus in the House and also one of the most reliably stupid. So it makes perfect sense why Faux News would want him to comment on Texas' effort to disenfranchise brown people challenge the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

You can really see the Faux News "interview" MO in full force here, as Shannon Bream just lets Gohmert babble talking points spout lies uninterrupted. And look what happens when she lobs him what should be a softball.

BREAM: Congressman, let me ask, because folks on the other side of this will say those are all scare tactics and there aren't real cases of fraud you can point to in Texas.

GOHMERT: Well there, well there have been, and you can go back to Duval County and Lyndon Johnson days when he told his, his ah, supposedly his campaign manager, "No, this man in this grave has every bit as much to vote as all the other people in this cemetery." I mean, those things have been going on. But when you don't have a requirement for a photo ID, it's hard to identify the fraud.

Ah, see that? We need photo IDs to prove that there's all this voter fraud we keep talking about, which will also prevent said voter fraud from happening, which is why we need the photo IDs in the first place.

Nice tautology, Louie!

Also, it's awesome that when asked on national television to produce actual evidence of voter fraud in Texas in 2012, Gohmert recycles a decades-old fable (which may or may not be true) from one of Lyndon Johnson's Congressional campaigns in the '30s or '40s.

Doesn't take a genius to see what's going on here. Republicans in Texas know they are going to lose their iron grip on the state because of demographics eventually, but they want to hold onto it as long as possible, and by any means necessary.

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