New Obama Campaign Ad Hits Mitt Romney For Embracing Trump

The conservative man crush on Donald Trump is easy enough to explain. He's a rich white guy who inherited millions, personifies excess consumption -- and fires people for fun. He's what they all aspire to be, deep down. What's harder to

The conservative man crush on Donald Trump is easy enough to explain. He's a rich white guy who inherited millions, personifies excess consumption -- and fires people for fun. He's what they all aspire to be, deep down.

What's harder to understand is why Republican candidates for president keep embracing this reality show clown, who George Will just called a "bloviating ignoramus" -- especially since he's wildly unpopular in states that matter.

This spot makes the larger point that Willard is absolutely terrified of his own base, and Ron Brownstein made the same point on Sunday's This Week.

BROWNSTEIN: -- broader point, though, when Rush Limbaugh called the Georgetown student a slut, Romney was almost silent. Rick Santorum said Kennedy made him want to throw up. Mitt Romney was silent. These were all opportunities to identify yourself as kind of a more centrist. And he's not taking it. And it is having a cost.

If you look at some of those upper middle class, socially liberal, economically moderate white voters, Obama is holding them -- especially the women -- and that is the thin margin that is keeping him on top, and I think it's a consistent challenge for Romney.

Appeasing the Teahadists and winning swing states is a difficult balancing act indeed. McCain tried to thread that needle by choosing The Quitter as his VP -- and failed.

Good luck, Willard.

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