of "Nixonland".
Perlstein says Nixon’s legacy is the “notion that there are two kinds of Americans.” On one side of the barricades are “values voters” and other conservatives who are infuriated by the disdain of amoral elites conservatives consider (in the brilliantly ironic phrase that Perlstein appropriated from Kevin Phillips) a “toryhood of change” determined to supervise their lives. On the other side are Hofstadterian liberals who feel threatened by these nincompoops who have been made paranoid by their status anxieties.
“How did Nixonland end?” Perlstein asks in the book’s last line. “It has not ended yet.”
Wednesday, 2/15/12.
Rick Santorum continued to lambaste President Obama's healthcare policy during a Tuesday night campaign stop in Boise, Idaho, labeling members of the administration as "elite snobs."
"They don't believe you can make these decisions," Sanatorium said to a packed high school auditorium. "They need to makes these decisions for you because if you were left to make decisions you will obviously jump off a cliff. Don't you see how they see you? How they look down their nose at the average American -- these elite snobs."
Yeah, how dare those elite snobs deny you the right to be refused health coverage because you've got cancer. How dare they insist that you shouldn't leave your children destitute because you got sick!
Just who do they think they are?
h/t Dave for the clip.