Rick Santorum: Obama's Apology For Koran Burnings "Shows Weakness"

What do healthy, functional adults do when they make a serious mistake? Apologize for it. Apparently, Rick Santorum is not a functional adult. “There was nothing deliberately done wrong here. This was something that happened as a mistake.

a functional adult.

“There was nothing deliberately done wrong here. This was something that happened as a mistake. Killing Americans in uniform is not a mistake, ” said Santorum. “Say it’s unfortunate…but to apologize for something that was not an intentional act is something that the president of the United States in my opinion should not have done.

Protests erupted in Afghanistan after the accidental burning and two American troops were killed by an an Afghan soldier.

“I think it shows weakness,” said Santorum on the apology.

Yes, by that nutty standard -- that one shouldn't apologize for "mistakes" -- Ronald Reagan was a surrender monkey, as was George W. Bush -- not to mention Gen. Stanley McChrystal and Gen. David Petraeus.

They're all a bunch of weak, appeasing cowards, unlike the very brave and steadfast Rick Santorum, who never apologizes for anything.

I'll tell you this: the GOP owes America an apology for elevating this clown into a serious presidential contender.

(h/t David)

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