Stupid Right-Wing Tweets: Joe The Plumber Edition
Again with the Nazis. What is it with <a href="">these people?</a>

Again with the Nazis. What is it with these people?
Anyway, I love the way Joe's essay, linked by the tweet above, begins:
Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler had many things in common when they ruled their respective countries in the early part of last century.
For instance, they both were foreigners who had mustaches. Do you think that's a COINCIDENCE PEOPLE?! (And I'm not sure I'd call the 1930s the "early part" of the 20th century.)
Anyway, here's Joe's irrefutable proof that Liberals = Hitler.
1) Lenin/Stalin/Marx believed in killing people. A lot of people. That is Communism/ Marxism
2) Stalin admired Hitler, Hitler Admire Stalin and Lenin. Nazism are very close cousins, if not brothers to communism/marxism
3) The atrocities committed by Stalin/Lenin/Hitler are the same. They starved men, women and children. They buried people alive in mass unmarked graves. They brutally tortured and murdered entire “classes” of people.
4) Hitler and Stalin wanted a “New Man” a new race…. (Most of you in the occupy movement wouldn’t make the cut, think about it)
Q.E.D.! Suck it, lefties.