Stupid Right-Wing Tweets: Laura Ingraham Edition
This Ingraham SRWT is of a piece with Jennifer Rubin's of a few weeks ago--that Republicans refuse to use "anecdotes" <a href="">in their political arguments</a>. And it's in response to President Obama, who this morning -- surrounded by first responders -- urged Congress <a href="">to avoid the sequester.</a>
This Ingraham SRWT is of a piece with Jennifer Rubin's of a few weeks ago--that Republicans refuse to use "anecdotes" in their political arguments. And it's in response to President Obama, who this morning -- surrounded by first responders -- urged Congress to avoid the sequester.
Now, it's understandable that wingnuts are incredibly frustrated that they can't get victims of mass shootings to make the case that we need more assault rifles on the streets, or find a bunch of teachers and cops to call for their firings so that rich people can pay lower capital gains taxes. But for some reason, they're not a lot of those around.
Sucks for you, Laura.