Stupid Right-Wing Tweets: Neal Boortz Edition

In case you were wondering-- yes, the "Obama's going to take your guns!" crowd is having a complete meltdown over perfectly sensible gun safety measures. How does the slippery slope thing work, anyway? Obama passes, say, mandatory background


In case you were wondering-- yes, the "Obama's going to take your guns!" crowd is having a complete meltdown over perfectly sensible gun safety measures.

How does the slippery slope thing work, anyway? Obama passes, say, mandatory background checks -- then a few months later the ATF is raiding Boy Scout camps for .22s?

Anyway, only right-wing extremists like Boortz and the gun lobby oppose these common-sense measures. But when you make millions peddling lethal assault rifles to children, you're going to fight like hell to protect your profit margins.

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