Stupid Right-Wing Tweets: Rupert Murdoch Edition

It's pretty clear that Rupert doesn't know a) the difference between Guantanamo, Cuba and Guatemala, the country; and b) what "silence" means. Unless, of course, he thinks Glenn Greenwald, Daily Kos, Marcy Wheeler, Digby, the New York Times

It's pretty clear that Rupert doesn't know a) the difference between Guantanamo, Cuba and Guatemala, the country; and b) what "silence" means.

Unless, of course, he thinks Glenn Greenwald, Daily Kos, Marcy Wheeler, Digby, the New York Times and the ACLU are all on the right.

And yes, these are the same people and organizations that were outraged by Bush/Cheney's torture and gulags -- while the GOP remained silent.

But thanks for tweeting, Rupert!

(h/t Scarce)

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