Stupid Right-Wing Tweets: Rupert Murdoch Edition

It clearly doesn't take too many cocktails for Rupert Murdoch to sound like the crazy wingnut at the bar, shouting at the teevee. But seriously, what does this even mean? Why would we "listen" to a Russian oligarch about anything? And how


It clearly doesn't take too many cocktails for Rupert Murdoch to sound like the crazy wingnut at the bar, shouting at the teevee.

But seriously, what does this even mean?

Why would we "listen" to a Russian oligarch about anything? And how can the US simultaneously be hated and "a joke"?

The problem for Murdoch -- and Mitt Romney tonight -- is that Obama is a hawk. He surged in Afghanistan, widely expanded drone strikes, killed bin Laden and drove the nail in Gaddafi's coffin. All to the dismay of the left, I should add.

This causes a great deal of cognitive dissonance for Republicans since they JUST KNOW that Obama's a weak, feckless appeaser. So, when they try and discuss his foreign policy, they're reduced to babbling complete nonsense like the above.

(h/t Karoli)

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