Vote For The Stupidest Right-Wing Tweet Of 2012: Number 5

The MCAT. The Bar. The GRE. All of them pale in comparison to the difficulty in picking the Stupidest Right-Wing Tweet of 2012. It was hard, but we've arrived at five finalists, and on every Friday through the end of 2012, we'll post one. And on

The MCAT. The Bar. The GRE. All of them pale in comparison to the difficulty in picking the Stupidest Right-Wing Tweet of 2012.

It was hard, but we've arrived at five finalists, and on every Friday through the end of 2012, we'll post one. And on Friday, December 28, you'll have the opportunity to vote for the Stupidest Right-Wing Tweet of the Year.

Our first contender is from Peggy Noonan.

Of course, as we all know, the Supreme Court -- the majority of whom were appointed by Republicans -- upheld the Affordable Care Act, which must have come as a shock to Peggy Noonan, who's written many books about constitutional law lots of GOP propganda for the Wall Street Journal.

If we could harness stupid to power our electrical grid, the wingnut twitosphere would keep our lights on in perpetuity.

Tune in next Friday for the next finalist.

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