Wall Street Journal: The GOP Deserves To Lose

The WSJ is the voice of the DC-New York GOP establishment, and that voice was crackling with anger and tears on Tuesday. Let's just say right now what voters will be saying in November, once Barack Obama has been re-elected: Republicans deserve

on Tuesday.

Let's just say right now what voters will be saying in November, once Barack Obama has been re-elected: Republicans deserve to lose.

Well, yes. They deserve to lose because they've learned nothing from spectacular failures of the Bush/Cheney years and are doubling down on every right-wing fetish: Even lower taxes! Even more wealth inequality! Even more war! Even fewer regulations! Let's deport 12 million people! Let's bring back child labor!

But I digress.

Above all, it doesn't matter that Americans are generally eager to send Mr. Obama packing. All they need is to be reasonably sure that the alternative won't be another fiasco. But they can't be reasonably sure, so it's going to be four more years of the disappointment you already know.

But won't Newt beat Obama in the debates?

A primary ballot for Mr. Gingrich is a vote for an entertaining election, not a Republican in the White House.

Ouch. But...but...don't we need a businessman to create jobs?

On the evidence of his campaign, Mr. Romney is a lousy CEO.

Oh, snap! And the big finish!

...the U.S. will surely survive four more years. Who knows? By then maybe Republicans will have figured out that if they don't want to lose, they shouldn't run with losers.

Just brutal.

Cheer up, WSJers! There's got to be a Bush lying around somewhere for 2016. In the meantime, please note that Newt and Willard are advocating exactly the same policies you've cheered on for decades.

Suck it up.

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