Mike's Blog Round Up

So Santorum says he's open to being Romney's #2. Seems highly unlikely, but you never know. Which, with the race being pretty much over, begs the questions: Whom will Romney pick as his running mate? Whom should he pick (if it were up to you)? (Paul

So Santorum says he's open to being Romney's #2. Seems highly unlikely, but you never know. Which, with the race being pretty much over, raises the questions: Whom will Romney pick as his running mate? Whom should he pick (if it were up to you)? (Paul Ryan, maybe? Christie? Haley? Jindal?) Comments? Predictions? Snarky observations?

Simply Left Behind: Whither Obamacare? Whither Obama?

They Gave Us a Republic: Fascism in America? Open your eyes.

Kiko's House: Republican cruelty, Ryan-style.

Perrspectives: Cowardly lyin', Romney-style.

Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction (@mjwstickings). I'll be here all week.

Send tips to mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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