Morning Joe: Media Bias Is Always That Republicans Are Stupid. Just Don't Mention Bush, Palin, Or Limbaugh

Media Bias Against Republicans, That They're Stupid, But Don't Mention Bush, Palin, or Limbaugh

she put an "asterisk" on her vote.

Perhaps she can put an asterisk on her comparison of taxing the young to the Holocaust. And another asterisk on the tireless efforts of the founding fathers to end slavery.

The Beltway is erasing all memory of Bachmann's crazy statements because those were made before Ed Rollins put his magic collar on her. Remember when Karl Rove was Bush's Brain? Ed Rollins, who also worked for stellar candidates Ross Perot and Katherine Harris (before he quit), is now Bachmann's Brain. Why? Because in the anti-intellectual cloister that is today's Republican Party, a hired brain is the best you can do? When is the Republican Party going to admit you need a brain of your own to be qualified to run for President?

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