Did Christine O'Donnell Lie To Hannity?

Christine O'Donnell to Sean Hannity on September 21 (via LexisNexis): O'DONNELL: I'm not going to do any more national media because that - - this is my focus. Delaware is my focus and the local media is my focus. And it's frustrating because

Christine O'Donnell to Sean Hannity on September 21 (via LexisNexis):

O'DONNELL: I'm not going to do any more national media because that - - this is my focus. Delaware is my focus and the local media is my focus.

And it's frustrating because I've let the local media know they're my priority but our phones are ringing off the hook, that they can't get to me. So this -- it's actually become an interference with the campaign.

Apparently letting O'Donnell's phone ring off the hook works if you're national media FOX News / Greta Van Susteren but not if you're MSNBC News / Rachel Maddow. The candidate who was not going to do any more national media, and told Sean Hannity so, was on Greta Van Susteren last night.

And Greta covered for her interviewee with this excuse:

VAN SUSTEREN: Thank you very much for letting us do this.

CHRISTINE O'DONNELL (R), DELAWARE SENATE CANDIDATE: Thank you for coming to Wilmington. I appreciate it.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, we practically stalked you. I mean, you really didn't have a lot of choice.(LAUGHTER)

VAN SUSTEREN: I mean, we were hounding you all day. We've made a billion phone calls. So we're -- you know, we're gracious (SIC) that you let us come.

Stalked? What about when producers from The Rachel Maddow Show showed up without cameras and requested an interview with anyone from the campaign? (h/t Heather for the video)

Associated Press and other outlets.

I smell a rat.

O'Donnell is behind by double digits in the polls and sinking. Her astonishing irregularities with campaign finances indicate that she's in this race for the money, and that she's following the Sarah Palin playbook to the letter. Except for the part about quitting your job mid-term, because O'Donnell doesn't have one.

My sense is she wants a job, and she wants it on television, and these interviews are not-too-subtle ways to get a screen audition for that pundit job. Just to be clear: I'm accusing her of that. Why would she otherwise double-cross Sean Hannity? Anyone want to take a bet that she'll be a contributor to FOX by January?

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