Mike's Blog Round Up
Gin and Tacos: How to lie with statistics; also, laziness. skippy: the rats are leaving the ship. Whiskey Fire: K-Lo – a nitwit, but so much more.
Gin and Tacos: How to lie with statistics; also, laziness.
skippy: the rats are leaving the ship.
Whiskey Fire: K-Lo – a nitwit, but so much more.
Dave's Daily Dump: Expand the Civil Rights Act to include LGBT rights – a video collection.
Balloon Juice: Try to keep up with the shifting wingnut talking points. (Maybe spicing things up with magic unicorns and ravenous zombies would help.)
Glenn Greenwald: Still banning the word "torture" in reporting on torture. (How will they cover the CIA IG report on torture, I wonder?)
Headline poetry from Poetic Justice and Mad Kane.
Guest post by Batocchio. Temporarily e-mail tips to batocchio9 AT yahoo DOT com.