Mike's Blog Round Up

The Political Carnival: It's not okay to listen to Obama's education speech at school, but watching the Fort Hood funeral, even if it causes deep emot

The Political Carnival: It's not okay to listen to Obama's education speech at school, but watching the Fort Hood funeral, even if it causes deep emotional distress? That's a go. (h/t Relaxed Politics)

Figleaf (not work-safe): A perfect analogy to why 'no means no.'

Mock Paper Scissors: No, really, Peggy Noonan, it's a distinction to be the only person left from the Reagan administration "brand" that is not in jail, senile, or dead.

The Plum Line: Obama not taking the 'racist' bait of that moron Rupert Murdoch.

Off the beaten path, hey kids, it's Comic Panel Remix!!!

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