Mike's Blog Round Up

A very happy Thanksgiving to all. While there's so much to be thankful for, I think we can all agree to give an especially enthusiastic "Thanks" ... that the GOP Tribe was not at the First Thanksgiving! Enjoy these links with your morning turkey

A very happy Thanksgiving to all. While there's so much to be thankful for, I think we can all agree to give an especially enthusiastic "Thanks" ... that the GOP Tribe was not at the First Thanksgiving! Enjoy these links with your morning turkey oatmeal, turkey dinner, or midnight turkey snack:

Taylor Marsh on David Brock: Some Democrats Do Fight

Lance Mannion: The 'Logic Deficit' on the Deficit

They Gave Us a Republic: If There's a (George) Will, There's a Hack Way

Bark Bark Woof Woof on Motor Trend's "Electric Volt" to Limbaugh

Polising: Most Want Health Reform Maintained, Expanded

Guest post by Don Davis of The Satirical Political Report. E-mail tips to Don at satiricalpolitical AT gmail DOT com.

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