This Is Not A Post About Bristol Palin.

[Image from here, and it's not a joke.] It's understandable that some critics of the Left think we progressives have an unhealthy hatred/fascinatio

It's understandable that some critics of the Left think we progressives have an unhealthy hatred/fascination with the Palin family. And certainly, the children of former vice-presidential candidates are off-limits...

...except when they are willingly interviewed by Greta Van Susteren at FOX News. Sigh, the Palin Reputation Recovery Tour is obviously fully booked through the Iowa Caucuses on December 20, 2011.

But the big "news" of the interview is that, gasp, Bristol Palin thinks "everyone should be abstinent but it's not realistic... [sex] is more and more accepted among kids my age."

Wasn't it one news cycle ago that the Minority Leader of the Senate thinks it will, ahem, play well with his base to remove contraception/AIDS prevention programs from the stimulus package?

Why does it bear repeating that the entire Republican Party is completely out of touch with reality?

Add: (Nicole) Interesting that Grandma Sarah didn't want Bristol to have too much time alone in the spotlight, and made an "unexpected" call on Bristol and Greta, bringing baby Tripp with her. Her response to Bristol's comments on abstinence-only education not being realistic? "Life happens"


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