One Word For Inauguration Day.

This is a wonderful video. Artist Emily Troutman "asked people in DC to pick words to represent how they feel this week, at the dawn of a new beginn

This is a wonderful video. Artist Emily Troutman "asked people in DC to pick words to represent how they feel this week, at the dawn of a new beginning for the United States. Participants chose from 26 words:

Alive, Angry, Anxious, Awed, Believe, Curious, Dancer, Excited, Grateful, Happy, Hopeful, Human, Humble, Jealous, Joyful, Love, Obama, Patient, Proud, Ready, Scared, Skeptical, Tired, Together, Wonder, Worried."

While Troutman shows a few people who chose skeptical or worried, she points out that "Children tended to choose the words Love and Obama because they are easy. But happy was a close third. For the other participants, Hopeful and Proud won the day. People with family or friends chose Together to represent the importance of experiencing the inauguration with the ones they love."

h/t The National Gadfly via Twitter

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