Right Wing Declares War Against Charlie Crist For Senate

Image h/t Sparklepony. From our Twitter buddy Greg Sargent: Top right wing blogger Erick Erickson of RedState.com is now calling for conservatives

Image h/t Sparklepony. From our Twitter buddy Greg Sargent:

Top right wing blogger Erick Erickson of RedState.com is now calling for conservatives to stop giving money to the NRSC over the endorsement of Crist, who is running against conservative former House Speaker Mark Rubio.

Erickson denounced the NRSC’s decision to endorse Crist as “wholly unacceptable,” adding: “If the NRSC thinks this is smart, we must not waste our time or energy with them. Join me in pledging no money, no help, no aid, and no support for the NRSC’s efforts in the 2010 election cycle.”

Bwa ha ha. We love it when Republicans fight over the "soul" of their party. But right wingnut blogs aren't the only unhappy campers. St. Petersburg (FL) Times lists the reasons conservatives hate Crist:

...his strong support for President Barack Obama's nearly $800-billion stimulus package; his appointment in March of Judge James E.C. Perry to the state Supreme Court, despite opposition from the National Rifle Association and antiabortion groups; and his lack of support for a state constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

There are questions regarding Crist's sexual orientation, but frankly, I think we on the Left are wise to keep that issue off our tables. [Memo to RedState, who thought it appropriate to link Justice Souter with a certain proclivity for barnyard animals, we're better than you. Stay classy.] As a matter of policy, I don't care who a candidate wants to sleep with as long as he's meeting his obligations, particularly to those he represents. But on that score Crist is widely seen as an epic fail, and Florida's conventional wisdom is, he's running for Senate in part to escape the failures of his gubernatorial tenure. Florida Progressive Coalition blog:

If Crist has future ambitions, he has to get out from under the weight of the state’s failing political and economic system. Even a casual observer could notice that Crist has done a lot to contribute to that failure, but, because of his affable personality and a lax media, he hasn’t gotten credit [sic] where he deserves it.

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