Gitmo Whistleblower Talks To BBC About Torture

Former Gitmo guard Chris Arendt has told a BBC interviewer about the abuses he saw there. He was quite clear that what he saw was ''torture'' and that

Former Gitmo guard Chris Arendt has told a BBC interviewer about the abuses he saw there. He was quite clear that what he saw was ''torture'' and that some of his fellow guards were so violent as to be ''psychotic.''

Here's Arendt talking at the "Winter Soldiers" press conference hosted by IVAW back in April last year.

He tells the BBC in this new interview that the abuses he witnessed included heavy beatings, shaving insults into inmates hair and the usual "enhanced interrogation" techniques wingnut senator Jon Kyl is so proud of - for opposition to which he would contest Eric Holder as Obama's nominee for Attorney General.

Personally, I'd say Kyl's opposition was a great reason to confirm Holder.

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