Muslims Are Funny
The Muslims Are Coming--comedy that you must see, that just may challenge pre-conceived notions and get us beyond hate.
Ok, you're right, not all Muslims. But I'll be damned if these particular Muslims aren't funny.
As a believer in using humor to reach the often unreachable, the film "The Muslims Are Coming!" is pitch perfect in its voyage through the heartland to de-mystify a group of oh, a billion and a half different people, who are all at this moment plotting to kill us. Oops, was mainlining Pat Robertson's meds there for a moment.
On a serious note, this film, co-directed by Muslim comedians Dean Obeidallah and Negin Farsad is a hilarious must-see which I had the pleasure of just seeing. So I felt a need to share. Besides being funny, there are some really poignant parts of the film, and some great interviews with personalities you know--nobody from Fox though, they don't do Muslim (Even talking about them makes Sean Hannity and Bozell The Clown feel a bit bloated and irritable).
So take a break from right-wing government shutdowns, debt-ceiling near debacles and Louie Gohmert's shiny dome, and switch over to a whole other area of politics and policy often governed by right-wing lunacy. With jokes!
It is your perfect watch for the weekend! Which you can get here or here. Enjoy!