Cafe Racer shooting in the University District in Seattle.
Once that was done, we divided by days and came to the number 8.8. That was the average number of days between mass shootings. Yet, nothing is done because the NRA likes the status quo.
Your basic dictionary definitions of a terrorist is the following:
1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
Board members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) have, on numerous occasions, explicitly advocated both overthrowing the U.S. Government and committing mass murder. If these were positions with which they disagreed, they wouldn't have a board and executive leadership filled with half-wit authoritarians advocating these things.
They threaten violence, sell paranoid conspiracy theories and incite riot by calling President Clinton a murderer or telling their members that Barack Obama's about to ride in on a big vacuum cleaner to suck up everyone's guns before enslaving them. They fight regulations that would help disarm criminals, drug cartels and terrorists.
Above is my discussion of this topic with Sam Seder.
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