The President Speaks Out On Guns

This past Sunday, President Obama wrote an op-ed for Gabrielle Giffords' hometown paper, the Arizona Daily Star. Looking back on the tragic shootings in Tucson, he made it clear that we need to fix our nation's broken background check system and

This past Sunday, President Obama wrote an op-ed for Gabrielle Giffords' hometown paper, the Arizona Daily Star. Looking back on the tragic shootings in Tucson, he made it clear that we need to fix our nation's broken background check system and keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people:

That's why our focus right now should be on sound and effective steps that will actually keep those irresponsible, law-breaking few from getting their hands on a gun in the first place.

• First, we should begin by enforcing laws that are already on the books. The National Instant Criminal Background Check System is the filter that's supposed to stop the wrong people from getting their hands on a gun. Bipartisan legislation four years ago was supposed to strengthen this system, but it hasn't been properly implemented. It relies on data supplied by states - but that data is often incomplete and inadequate. We must do better.

• Second, we should in fact reward the states that provide the best data - and therefore do the most to protect our citizens.

• Third, we should make the system faster and nimbler. We should provide an instant, accurate, comprehensive and consistent system for background checks to sellers who want to do the right thing, and make sure that criminals can't escape it.

Porous background checks are bad for police officers, for law-abiding citizens and for the sellers themselves. If we're serious about keeping guns away from someone who's made up his mind to kill, then we can't allow a situation where a responsible seller denies him a weapon at one store, but he effortlessly buys the same gun someplace else.

This has been a long time coming, and I'd like to see the language bit stronger, but I can't say I am not pleased to see the President stepping up and addressing this important issue.

Already, Senator Chuck Schumer has laid out a plan, based upon a proposal by 550 mayors across the country who are part of Mayors Against Illegal Guns (for whom I consult), to stop terrorists, criminals and the mentally unstable from accessing anything up to and including assault weapons and .50 caliber bullets--ones that can take down airplanes--without so much as a background check. The House is set to introduce a similar bill.

It is gratifying--in the wake of Tucson and police shootings that seem to only get worse every day--to see the President stand up and state his principles in the face of a debate that in the past has been dominated by those who are anti-law enforcement, and more interested in selling weapons than protecting the American people. The President has chosen the path that has the best chance of having an immediate impact in cutting down on the scourge of gun violence while taking into account the long-term safety and Constitutionally provided "general welfare" of the American people.

Follow me on Twitter: @cliffschecter

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