Open Thread: Crooks And Liars Moving To Disqus Comments
Tonight Crooks and Liars starts the big migration over to Disqus comments
Behind the scenes we are hard at work to bring you the next version of Crooks and Liars. During this process we realized one of the anchors weighting us down is our current commenting system. While it has served us well over the past several years, we have decided it was past time to move to something more modern, as well as something users are familiar with. That’s why we have decided to switch over to using Disqus.
During the next couple of weeks we will have a mixture of our old comments and the new, Disqus comments throughout the site, while our 2.25 million comments import into Disqus. Once the import process is complete, we will be turning off the old commenting system and be 100% Disqus.
We also have signed up for the Disqus Single Sign-On (SSO) integration. What this means is that your Crooks and Liars account will allow you to post comments, without having to create a separate Disqus account. If you already have an account, then once you post on Crooks and Liars via Disqus, you can merge your accounts. This is accomplished via your profile on Simply go to and login. Click to edit your profile and in the page that pops up, you will have the option to merge your accounts. In order to merge the email in your Disqus account must be the same as the one on your Crooks and Liars account.
Don’t have a Crooks and Liars account? That’s no problem either. You can use your Disqus account, or connect right in with Facebook, Twitter or your Google account. We wanted to make it as easy as possible for people to engage with our writers and the rest of the community and this achieves that goal.
Since this is our nightly open thread, feel free to give things a test spin. We’ll also be rolling out more changes in the coming weeks as we move towards the next version of Crooks and Liars. We hope everyone enjoys!
There has been some concerns raised about how Disqus aggregates comments from all sites that utilize their services. Since we have subscribed to Disqus' Single Sign-On (SSO) service, you do have the option of not having your comments posted on Crooks and Liars aggregated with other comments on your Disqus profile. As long as you are logged into your Crooks and Liars account, that account will take priority. It is treated as a separate account from your regular Disqus account, unless you decide to merge your two accounts through your Disqus profile. If you do not merge your profiles, then your comments posted here will remain separate from comments posted on other sites, so long as you are logged into C&L.
On a similar note, if you would rather always have your Disqus account used, instead of your C&L account, then you can opt-out of our SSO system by editing your account on C&L. Simply click the "My Account" link at the top of the page, then go to the edit tab. On that page is a section for Disqus Comments, with a checkbox to "Disable Single Sign-On For Disqus". Checking that box means you will have to be logged into your Disqus account in order to comment.