Rubio Willing To 'Work Across The Aisle' But Only For GOP Ideas

If President Barack Obama adopts the Republican platform then one Tea Party-backed candidate for Senate from Florida would be more than willing to work across the aisle. Mark Rubio told Florida State House Speaker Mark Rubio that he wouldn't make bipartisanship worse in Washington if his Senate bid was successful. "Partisan gridlock is not something I'm in favor of. Okay? But the problem is it depends on what you're standing for. What are you fighting for?" asked Rubio. "I've been more than happy to work across the aisle to do things like lower the capital gains tax, lower the corporate tax, flatten the tax rate, lower all these other taxes that make America increasingly unfriendly place to do business. And if the Obama administration tomorrow announces that is their agenda or the leadership in Congress does, I'll be more than happy -- I'll be thrilled to work with them," he said. "But waht they're attempting to do fundamentally redefine the role of government in America. And we can't cooperate with that. We have to stop that from happening," explained Rubio.

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