Antisemitism Should Never Be A Blinder To Palestinian Suffering! Cornel West

December 27, 2008 C-SPAN Cornel West, author of Hope on a Tightrope: Words and Wisdom (Hay House, November 1, 2008), and Tavis Smiley author of the f

December 27, 2008 C-SPAN

Cornel West, author of Hope on a Tightrope: Words and Wisdom (Hay House, November 1, 2008), and Tavis Smiley author of the forthcoming book Accountable: Making America as Good as Its Promise (Atria, February 17, 2009), spoke at the Miami Book Fair International. Mr. Smiley spoke on his concerns about the U.S. as well as the election of President-Elect Barack Obama. Cornel West talked about the hope offered by the election of Barack Obama, but reiterated that leaders are only as strong as the people they lead. Both participants answered questions from members of the audience following their remarks. This was the opening evening presentation of the 2008 Miami Book Fair International. See more CSPANJunkie Videos here.

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