Cafferty File: Is President Obama Meeting Your Expectations?
From The Cafferty File: The increasingly bitter battle over health care reform is making some people question President Obama’s leadership. Critic
The increasingly bitter battle over health care reform is making some people question President Obama’s leadership.
Critics suggest that when it comes to governing on issues like health care, the president is missing the smooth confidence and “Yes we can” charisma that got him elected.
New York Times Columnist Maureen Dowd writes of this debate that seems to be spinning out of control:
“President Obama has proven quicksilver instincts, but not in this case. You would think that a politician schooled in community organizing and the foul balls of a presidential campaign would be ready to squash this kind of nuttiness.” Dowd adds that Mr. Obama knows how to rise to the occasion, but he may be running out of time to do so.
On, Camille Paglia criticizes the president for proposing only “vague and slippery promises” when it comes to health care. Paglia, who supports the president, faults him for handing over much of the debate to congressional leaders and also seeming to be in an unexplained rush to get something – anything – passed.
She compares it to the “massive boondoggle” of the economic stimulus package, which the president pretty much gave Congress free rein to turn into one big pork project.
And it’s not just health care. The list of issues this president faces is mind-boggling and probably unprecedented: from the economy and healthcare to immigration reform (which Mr. Obama now says won’t happen until next year) on the home front… to Afghanistan, Iran, and North Korea overseas.
Critics say on a lot of this stuff, the president is talking, not leading.
So here's the question: Is Barack Obama meeting your expectations as president?
Eric in Sacramento, California
Pres. Obama is what he said he is. His election was a disappointment to me from the beginning because socialistic governance was always in his plans. America overreacted by hiring him and now we’re going to be sorry for a long time to come unless we stand against the tide of his agenda and let our voices be heard. But Obama is not a liar. He is just very wrong to lead our country.
Not since Roosevelt had a president had to deal with as much as Pres. Obama. He has not only met my expectations but has exceeded them. His stamina has only been exceeded by his intellect and his oratory. I would hate to imagine where this country would be if he weren’t willing and able to take on the overwhelming issues we face today. I pray that he will continue to push forward.
Brian in Kansas
Yes, he is meeting my every expectation. He indicated for two years his intent to further federalize, if not socialize, this republic. He demonstrated his propensity against self-government and free markets in the campaign… I don’t know what everyone is so worked up about; he is over-governing as promised. This is the “change” he offered and we bit. And, it is the disaster I expected.
Pres. Obama is leading admirably in the most troubled time in recent history. But it’s hard to lead irrational people, which is what he’s trying to deal with on the Republican side of the aisle. There’s a reason the right-wing lost the election, but they’re still trying to run things their way. I hope the American people are wise and patient enough to give him a chance to fix the mess he was left. It won’t happen overnight.
He has exceeded my expectations, as he’s worse than I ever thought possible.
Tim In Iowa
Pres. Obama is more than living up to expectations! When we elected him, we expected competent leadership, which he is providing. We expected issues that have been ignored for years to be addressed, which he is doing.
Bring back the primaries! I’m voting for Hillary.