Congressman Grayson's Microphone Cut Off Halfway Through His 60 Minutes

November 04, 2009 C-SPAN Rep. Alan Grayson on the number of dead from lack of health care. His mic was cut half way through his 60 minutes. No word y

Every year, more than 44,000 Americans die simply because they have no health insurance. Add your story and watch Congressman Grayson read your stories on the House floor.

Dave N.: Grayson's tactic obviously upset the GOP. Politico reports:

As he began, Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) asked for the clerk to take down Grayson's remarks -- a precursor to a complain about the tactic -- which caused the House to be adjourned for a short time.

When the House reconvened, he began reading again:

"Congressman Joe Wilson, 118 dead."

"Is it really asking too much of us that we keep people alive?" asked the Orlando Democrat, who rose to national attention earlier this year for suggesting the GOP wanted uninsured patients to die quickly. "We know according to the Harvard study we will keep these people alive."

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