I've Got Facts On My Side & You've Got Glenn Beck On Your Side! Rep Rick Larsen Town Hall

August 12, 2009 MOX News (Nicole:) Our very own CSpanJunkie attended Rep. Rick Larsen's town hall meeting on health care in Everett, Washington. By a

MOX News

(Nicole:) Our very own CSpanJunkie attended Rep. Rick Larsen's town hall meeting on health care in Everett, Washington. By all accounts, it wasn't one of the crazed mob scenes they love showing us on the cable channels.

However, the addition of decorum did not bring with it the addition of sense. And in response to one person's dutiful recitation of misinformation, courtesy of the right wing, Rep. Larsen retorted with a classic line I think should be part of every Democratic congressman's repertoire:

CITIZEN: I have two real concerns about the nationalized health care insurance.

Why are all Americans forced into a government-run health care and insurance plan when only 46 million out of 312 million are uninsured? Do you want me to break down how those insured are found? 12 million are illegal immigrants, 17 million earn $50,000 plus and choose not to have inurance. 8.8 million without insurance for four months or less…or more because they’re between…they’re unemployed and between jobs. 8.2 are chronically uninsured. That’s a total of 46 million people. I’d be willing for the government to buy insurance policies for the 8.2 million chronically uninsured, but the other 37.8 million are not the responsibility of the American citizens and I will…I’m not willing…and I am unwilling to throw my present health care away for them.

LARSEN: Thanks. Thanks, Jim. Thanks for your input and your comments. With regards to the first comment about being forced to buy health care, I’ll say it again, not ‘till I’m blue in the face, I may get cold enough and I’ll look blue in the face here tonight, but it won’t be until I’m blue in the face. The bill does not force anybody to buy health care, to change…to change….I’m sorry, the bill does not force anybody to change their health care plan. If you’re in a plan, you will not be forced into the public option. You will not be forced into the health insurance exchange. Now folks will say that’s not true, but I’ve got facts on my side and you’ve got Glenn Beck on your side. It’s just not going to play off that way.

Bravo, Rep. Larsen...let's keep marginalizing Beck and his ilk in the exact same way over and over until even these Fox News viewers are too embarrassed to cite him.

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