Poor President Bush Has Suffered Enough! Ann Coulter
January 17, 2010 FOX News Heather: Let's see how many Democrats and everyone else on the planet that little Annie can manage to insult within a matte
January 17, 2010 FOX News
Heather: Let's see how many Democrats and everyone else on the planet that little Annie can manage to insult within a matter of a few minutes while defending our great leader The Shrub for being wrongfully attacked. This woman is in some serious need of medication for being this delusional about the last umpteen whatever years of our political history. I'm pretty sure she doesn't believe most of the bullshit that comes out of her own mouth as long as the paycheck is large enough to keep her wingnut welfare going.
Coulter: Can we get to the shame and embarrassment of Bill Clinton being involved in this bipartisan effort?
News Model: Why not. Please.
Coulter: I mean it's not like there aren't ex-other Democratic Presidents out there as long as there are you know no Jews in Haiti, I think Jimmy Carter would do just fine. He would be better than you know, the horny hick... um you have Bill Clinton leaving...
News Model: Why couldn't Geraldo have just... okay go ahead...
Coulter: I can't believe you're doing this portion, and you should ask Rush about what I had to say this week. You know this isn't just your average ex-Democrat. This isn't Walter Mondale. This isn't a matter of party... he's a national embarrassment and to have the poor, poor ex-President Bush like he hasn't suffered enough be hanging around with Bill Clinton is leaving his essence on Kleenex to the White House for the White House stewards to clean...
Look he did it. Okay if you're embarrassed by it then you shouldn't have this president serving on a bipartisan commission.
Powers: I think that a lot of Democrats would say that it's an embarrassment for Bill Clinton to be with George W. Bush and I think that... that a lot of people see it that way and more importantly I think that the ex-president Clinton for all the issues that I might have with him and I did work in his White House but I still have some issues with him, I think he's a good humanitarian.... (crosstalk_
I don't think it's bad. I think he's the perfect person for it. I think it's nice to see two ex-presidents together. I think that like I said he has a good track record of being a humanitarian with his own foundation...
and more crosstalk.
Annie when you can start explaining why there is some moral equivalency between blowjobs and starting unnecessary wars, maybe we’ll find the time to take you seriously with your praise of Bush and going after Bill Clinton. In the mean time it would be nice to just see you STFU if you don’t want to ever have a serious discussion on our foreign policy and what it means for the lives and deaths of the people of Haiti. When you have to resort to cheap attacks on someone’s sex life because that's all you've got and think that represents some sort of serious political discourse, that’s about as pathetic as you are as a pundit and as ClusterFox is in general. Deny, attack and distract and hope your viewers are too stupid to know what you’re doing.
There are plenty of reasons to be unhappy with Bill Clinton being called upon for this relief effort in Haiti. His sex life isn't one of them. And poor, poor Bush deserves every ounce of criticism he’s received and then some.