Adieu, Marilyn Musgrave: A Fond Look Back

I know we're supposed to be all bipartisan and forgiving and stuff in the wake of the Great Repudiation, but sometimes you've gotta sit back and sme

I know we're supposed to be all bipartisan and forgiving and stuff in the wake of the Great Repudiation, but sometimes you've gotta sit back and smell the schadenfreude. Case in point: Colorado Republican Marilyn Musgrave:

Two weeks after the brutal loss, Musgrave still hasn’t called her opponent to concede or to congratulate the victor, as is not only textbook but also mannerly to do.

Moreover, Musgrave’s ill manners bleed into her own team. Rumor has it she still — 14 days later — hasn’t even thanked her campaign staff. (Again, textbook.)

Musgrave press secretary Joseph Brettell tells us: “It’s a campaign matter, and I have no further comment.”

And as for Markey, her campaign manger, Anne Caprara, who is in town this week with her boss for orientation, tells us of Musgrave: “No, she hasn’t called to concede, but we’re moving forward.”

Though the Markey team doesn’t plan on stopping by Musgrave’s office while in town, eventually the two camps will have to touch base — just in terms of transitioning. But curiously, more rumors abound that no one has seen or talked to Musgrave since the brutal loss; she’s all but disappeared.

One of the joys of this past election was seeing the final exit of characters like Musgrave from the nation's political stage. This was, after all, the woman who tried to have Michael Schiavo arrested merely for showing up to one of her events.

My favorite Musgrave moment, though, came with the above video, which shows Musgrave critics trying to get her to answer their questions. Not only does Musgrave ignore them as her entourage shoves the questioners out of the way; but at the end, some of her supporters confront the questioners and physically intimidate them by shoving them and grabbing their mike.

Congratulations to Betsy Markey. She did the whole nation a service.

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