Birchersville: John Bolton Helps Glenn Beck Whip Up 'One World Government' Paranoia

[media id=7670] Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton -- who was probably the closest thing to a Bircherite militiaman ever to have held that

Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton -- who was probably the closest thing to a Bircherite militiaman ever to have held that position, which no doubt was why G.W. Bush appointed him -- was on the Glenn Beck program yesterday.

Considering how Beck's militia fetish has been reaching feverish levels lately, you can imagine how this went.

Yes, it was as bad as you can imagine:

Bolton: You can see in this upcoming G20 Meeting in the next few days -- Prime Minister Gordon Brown of the United Kingdom has his own ideas for a global New Deal -- and we're gonna see whether predictions about the Obama administration being post-nationalist, post-American, if you will, are you going to come into play here.

Beck: You know, let's not throw Barack Obama under the bus solely. I think George Bush was not as bad, but he was on the same road. I mean, you know, we've been playing the game with the United Nations -- thank God George Bush put you into the United Nations! I know you, you were extremely unpopular there -- I cheered for that!

I mean, I think these guys -- these guys, they'll take away guns, they'll take away our sovereignty, they'll take away our, our, our currency, our money! They're already starting to put all the global framework in with this bullcrap called global warming! This is an effort to globalize and tie together everybody on the planet, is it not?

Bolton: Sure. If you say all problems are global in dimension, then it's not much of a leap of logic to say you need global solutions, and what better place to have them than in the U.N. or a comparable institution?

They then explored at length the ways that the Obama economic-recovery plan plays into the one-world-government scheme, and concluded thus:

Beck: But Ambassador -- when you say 'world government,' it does sound nuts. And because everybody knows nobody's for world government, but again, if you have the emergency --

Bolton: That's why they don't call it world government.

Beck: Pardon me?

Bolton: That's why they don't call it world government anymore. And they'll try and find these other phrases. But you have to look underneath of it, and it's on a range of issues -- not just the money supply, but gun control, the death penalty, abortion, global warming. All of which are issues we can and should debate in our constitutional democratic framework. We don't need to decide them internationally. But that's what the agenda is of many people very close to the Obama administration.

I kind of missed the phrase "New World Order"; though Beck hasn't hesitated to promote the NWO theories previously, in all these cases he scrupulously avoids the phrase, even when his content is straight from NWO theorizers. But other than that, this was a classic piece of Patriot-movement propaganda. Especially the part about the "range of issues."

Courtesy of your friends at Fox News.

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